Donate to Zac and Nicole’s Campaigns for Re-Election!
We’ve made it to Election Day 2020! It matters deeply what happens over the next several days, but today also marks the start of an election year for our local government here in Medford.
A Biden administration will need strong, progressive local partners to implement a just recovery. We will need vocal and unbowed defenders of justice more than ever to combat four more years of Trump.
Local government is where we make the most impact. Just this year, Councilor Morell and I have fought for fully-funded public schools and voted against a budget that cut funding right when students and educators need more resources and support.
We have proposed resolutions (and gotten them approved!) declaring systemic racism a public health crisis, expanding the brewery ordinance to include brewpubs, ensuring equity and diversity in our Marijuana Zoning Ordinance, and creating an Emergency Rental Assistance Program during the COVID-19 pandemic.
I’ve been fighting to represent each one of you and could not have done it without my partner and friend, Councilor Morell. Will you consider a donation of $25 or $50 to support our re-election efforts so we can keep fighting for you?
Your donation will be split evenly between Councilor Morell and myself and will help support outreach efforts for our re-election.
With your past support, Councilor Morell and I have been able to deliver for Medford residents. Thank you for your support and for everything you have been doing to build a Medford that works for all!